Best Practices for Merging AMRs into Your Current Operational Workflow

The eCommerce industry is no stranger to innovation. For businesses that scale their operations and understand the complexity of online retail, the next frontier of efficiency calls: the integration of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs).

AMRs are not just another buzzword; they represent a transformational shift in warehouse and fulfillment strategies with proven efficiency, scalability, and precision benefits.

However, AMRs’ sophistication is more than just a plug-and-play solution. For seasoned eCommerce players, the challenge is not understanding the ‘what’ but mastering the ‘how.’ How do you merge a fleet of intelligent robots into an optimized workflow without causing chaos? How do you ensure these AMRs work with human experts, highlighting their strengths?

In this blog post, we’ll bypass the basics and dive deep into actionable strategies and best practices for seamlessly integrating AMRs into advanced eCommerce operational frameworks. The goal? To unlock the next level of operational excellence.

Understanding the Basics of AMRs

The acronym ‘AMR’ isn’t novel for those well-settled in the eCommerce space. However, appreciating the nuances of what AMR brings can inform better integration strategies. Let’s quickly examine their core functionalities and the advantages they present for sophisticated eCommerce warehouses.

What are AMRs?

At their core, AMRs are mobile robots designed to move autonomously within a space without needing external infrastructure like tracks or wires. Equipped with advanced sensors, cameras, and algorithms, they navigate environments, making real-time decisions based on their surroundings.

Core Functions of AMRs 

  • Order Picking Assistance: By integrating systems, AMRs can swiftly navigate to specific product locations, assisting human pickers or autonomously retrieving items.
  • Transport: Acting as the ‘workhorses’ of the warehouse, AMRs efficiently transport goods from one location to another, bridging the gap between receiving, storage, and dispatch areas.
  • Inventory Auditing: With their ability to scan and catalog items, AMRs can streamline inventory checks, ensuring accurate stock levels and identifying discrepancies.

Advantages of AMRs in eCommerce Warehouses

  • Scalability: Seasonal sales spikes? Expanding product lines? AMRs can be easily scaled up or down, ensuring operations remain agile in response to fluctuating demands.
  • Safety: With built-in sensors and obstacle detection, AMRs significantly reduce the risk of collisions or mishaps in the warehouse. Furthermore, they can mitigate potential human-related injuries or strains by handling repetitive or heavy-lifting tasks.
  • Efficiency: AMR operates round the clock without fatigue. Their precision and speed in tasks, especially large-scale operations, can drastically reduce fulfillment times.

According to a survey by Deloitte and MHI, the adoption of warehouse automation technology is expected to improve labor productivity by 30%.

Choosing the Right AMRs for Your Needs

The real challenge lies in selecting the AMRs that best align with your unique requirements. Just as every eCommerce operation has distinct characteristics, AMRs come with various capabilities. To truly leverage their potential, a tailored approach to selection is paramount.

Tailoring to Your Operational Factors:

  • Type of Products Handled: Fragile products might necessitate AMRs with delicate handling features. Conversely, bulky or heavy items may require AMRs with higher payload capacities.
  • Volume of Orders: High order volumes can demand AMRs with rapid processing capabilities, whereas focusing on specialized or bespoke orders might lean towards precision-oriented robots.
  • Scalability Requirements: For businesses eyeing expansion or seasonal spikes, choosing AMRs that can be easily scaled, added, or reconfigured is crucial.
  • Size of the Warehouse: An expansive warehouse might benefit from faster, long-range AMRs, while compact spaces might require more miniature, more agile robots.

TARQAN, the first fulfillment robot to be created by a fulfillment provider, is also the thinnest within its class with a height of 194 mm. Thus, it saves 10% more storage space than all its competitors. Learn more!

Interoperability – The Cornerstone of Seamless Integration:

The real magic happens when AMRs don’t just operate within a warehouse but become an integral part of its digital ecosystem.

  • System Compatibility: Your chosen AMRs should be compatible with your existing Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This ensures that order data, inventory levels, and other essential information are harmoniously exchanged.
  • Real-time Communication: Opt for AMRs that can communicate in real-time with your systems, providing instantaneous updates and responding swiftly to dynamic changes in orders or inventory.
  • Futureproofing: Technology is ever-evolving. Select AMRs that come with the potential for software updates, ensuring they remain relevant and compatible with any future systems or tech integrations your business might adopt.

Strategic AMR Deployment

Selecting the right AMRs is pivotal, but their placement and deployment within the operational framework are equally significant.

1. Zoning Your Warehouse:

Just as a master chef knows precisely where each ingredient is placed, effective zoning ensures each AMR has a defined purpose and area.

  • High Traffic Areas: Deploy AMRs in zones that witness constant movement, ensuring swift transitions between processes.
  • Specialized Zones: For areas dealing with fragile items or requiring precision, specialized AMRs can be deployed to enhance accuracy and reduce errors.

2. The Human-AMR Balance:

Harmony between AMRs and human workers is vital for maintaining workflow rhythm.

  • Collaborative Operations: Integrate AMRs in roles that complement human tasks. For instance, while an AMR might transport goods, human expertise can be pivotal for quality checks.
  • Division of Labor: Let AMRs handle repetitive or heavy-lifting tasks, allowing human workers to focus on tasks requiring judgment, expertise, or a personal touch.

Training and Skill Development

AMRs, though autonomous, don’t operate in isolation. The human workforce remains at the heart of operations.

1. Adequate Staff Training:

  • Operational Training: Ensure staff understand the essential functions of AMRs, how to interact with them, and protocols to follow in various scenarios.
  • Emergency Protocols: Equip staff with knowledge on handling emergencies, like an AMR malfunction or unexpected operational challenges.

2. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

  • Data Utilization: AMRs generate a wealth of data. Encourage teams to utilize this data for insights, identifying areas for skill development or process optimization.

Safety Considerations

Incorporating AMRs should not compromise the safety and sanctity of the warehouse.

1. Safety Protocols and Guidelines:

  • Clear Markings: Designate specific pathways or zones for AMRs, ensuring no confusion or overlap with human-operated areas.
  • Emergency Systems: Equip AMRs with emergency stop mechanisms and ensure workers know how to activate them.

2. Harmonious Coexistence:

  • Awareness Sessions: Conduct regular briefings highlighting the importance of safety when working alongside AMRs.

Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

The AMR integration journey doesn’t end post-deployment. Regular monitoring and refinements are essential.

1. Regular Assessment:

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Create channels where workers can provide feedback on AMR operations, ensuring ground-level insights are considered in strategic decisions.
  • Performance Benchmarks: Regularly assess AMRs against the set objectives to ensure they meet desired goals.

2. Data-Driven Optimization:

  • Analytics: Dive deep into operational data, understanding areas where AMRs excel and where there’s room for improvement.

All in all…

Staying competitive isn’t just about embracing technology; it’s about wielding it wisely. Integrating AMRs into operational workflows offers undeniable benefits, from efficiency enhancements to scalability solutions. But these gains are realized most effectively when businesses approach the task with thoughtful strategy and meticulous execution.

Strategic planning – from choosing the right AMRs tailored to specific needs to their optimal deployment within the warehouse – forms the backbone of a successful transition. It’s akin to choreographing a dance where each movement is intentional and contributes to the overall performance.

We understand that security is of utmost importance when integrating AMRs into your existing operational processes. That’s why we want to introduce you to TARQAN. With its advanced safety measures, TARQAN is at the forefront of industry 5.0, creating a seamless collaboration between humans and robots. Want to learn more about TARQAN and how it can enhance your workflow? Contact us!

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